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We are looking forward to seeing you at our webinar.

Before you leave, check out these 3 important items:


Our 1-hour video “HIPAA for Startup Founders” – it’s a must-see if you are thinking about how HIPAA affects your business.


Our series of “HIPAA for Humans” videos, with great information and tips from Michael Herrick.


And of course our homepage where you can download our free article: 3 Things COVID-19 Forced Us to Learn in Healthcare

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Download "HIPAA-Secure Smartphones"

You already have all the technology you need to secure smartphones at your company. All you need is some guidance about what really works. In our BYOD Blueprint, I’ll show you simple steps you can take right now to reduce cybersecurity threats from employee smartphones.

To download your copy of “HIPAA-Secure Smartphones”, simply provide your email address below.  A download link will appear shortly after